Happy Birthday to me!
Well today is my birthday! I am working so I can take Friday off and Mom & I are going to Madrid, New Mexico. Madrid is an old mineing town that has been turned in to an artist colony and gallerys. It should be fun. Also I am hoping that it won't be raining tomarrow! Then we will drive into Santa Fe and go to the Santa Fe Baking Company for Lunch. My best friend, Melanie, sent me a present and I will open it there! (it's hard when your BF lives about 700 miles away!) Anyway it's a quiet day today and fun will comence on Friday! Have a wonderful weekend!
Fall is Here!
Fall is in the air and so are the Hot Air Balloons! I can't wait the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta starts this next weekend! Also my good friend Dennis McGeeney and his dad, Bob, and his friend, Jorge, are all coming out for the second weekend of the Balloon fiesta! I love fall here, the air gets crisp and cold! Well as soon as I can find balloon pictures I wll post them! I will also let you know about the fiesta. Here are 2 web sites that have great coverage. On Saturday & Sunday www.kobtv.com has streaming video of the Fiesta! (Get up early it starts at about 6:00 a.m.!) And here is the offical site for the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta...www.aibf.org For those who have never seen the Balloon Fiesta it is a lot of fun! It is one of the few Hot Air Balloon gatherings where you can walk right up to the balloons while they are inflating! Also if you are lucky they can land around your house! For us though it is only when the wind blows north! It is amazing how beautiful it is!
I have just finished reading "Eragon" by Christopher Paddoni! I am also about half way through "Eldest" by Christopher Paddoni! They both are wonderful books. I love reading books on Dragons. The amazing thing about Christopher Paddoni is that he wrote "Eragon" when he was only 18 years old! (He finished High School at 15!) There is another book to this series but it is being written! I can't wait! I am also looking forward towards the newest Dianna Glabadon book! Her series is a great one also! Well I gotta run!
This is from one of the Blogs that I read. It is wonderful what she says about the blame game people are playing in the gulf states. Here you go!http://www.definitelydeb.com/
Feeling Better
Well ~ I had surgery on Friday! I am now feeling much better! Presbyterian Hospital, where I had my surgery, has this thing where following day surgery you can stay in the hospital up to 24 hours! So I got into the room at around 3:00 p.m. on the 9th and sent mom home with Pastor Scott and I slept! At around 6:00 p.m. I decided to spend the night in the hospital because mom hadden't slept the night before and was not doing well. I slept pretty well that night and got up and had someone from the church come and pick up mom then me! (Thanks Lee!) I slept most of Saturday & Sunday and by Monday was feeling better. I get tired easy and am doing with both walking and sitting. It's the transition between the two that hurts. I also have learned that when I cough or sneeze to put a hard pillow on my tummy! It amazes me that they can do this surgery and you can go home right away! I want to thank all of you for your prayers! They mean so much to me!
Sick Garnie?
Well ~ I am having surgery on Friday, September 9th! I went to the emergency room on Monday morning because I was having back pain and my tummy was rolling! My mom had passed a gallstone in January so I woke her up and asked her about the pain! So off to the ER we went ~ of course by the time anyone saw me I was feeling fine and a little stupid! The doc did some tests and I have gallstones! So out must come the gallbladder! It was a shock to go to the doctor on Wednesday morning and find out that afternoon that you will be having surgery! I am ok with this and know it's in God's hands! Also I have so many people praying for me! Now I just have to do all of the work I do in 2 days in 1! I will let you know how it all turnes out!