Rio Garnet

This is a little about me, a little about New Mexico, and a little about crocheting!

Friday, January 26, 2007


Well on betweem Christmas & New Year's we had a great Snow Storm! It seems that the low pressure system was parked over Albuquerque! Anyway it snowed for 2 1/2 days! We had so much snow that on December 31st they cancled church! By the end we had 18 inches of snow! (the church area had 2 and 1/2 feet of snow!) We still have snow! It is amazing and beautiful! The only rotten thing is that I had to go to WalMart in all of this snow! We had run out of carrots for our Sadie Doggie! So like a good mommy, I shovled part of the driveway (enough to get to the door of the car!) Then drove to WalMart! The world was so beautiful! What I didn't know is that we would have snow for 2 more weeks on our street! They were plowing the major streets and it took them 2 weeks to plow our street! We had trash pick up the day before the storm and I couldn't get our trash cans off of the street for a week and a half! Luckly mom & I don't generate much trash so it was no big deal not to have our big trash cans out! When I finally got to them I had to get out the 4 inches of ice that had formed from the melting snow! Anyway it was a lot of fun and I learned a lot about driving in snow and ice!


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