While vultureing for a parking spot this last Christmas season I was reading bumper stickers and found this one...The early bird may get the worm...but the second mouse gets the cheese!
Have a great day!
This is a little about me, a little about New Mexico, and a little about crocheting!
While vultureing for a parking spot this last Christmas season I was reading bumper stickers and found this one...The early bird may get the worm...but the second mouse gets the cheese!
Well as a Church Secretary Christmas is a real fun time! Not only do I have to make bulletins & song sheets & Power Point displays for our regular Worship Service but I have to do the same for Christmas Eve Service as well! Ok enough whining! Almost all of my presents are wrapped! I have mailed off 2 presents to friends who live far away! (one group will get theirs after Christmas! The elves were on strike!) I am passing one group out today and then I am packing to go to Cortez Colorado to spend Christmas with family! Mom & I will be leaving on Friday as soon as our water delivery guy comes and we will be returning on Tuesday morning. I was hoping for a White Christmas but that is not in the forecast! Oh Well! Have a blessed Christmas & remember whose birthday it is!
My mother at one time had a very fine mind. She has not been officially diagnosed with Dementia but all factors are leaning that way. About 3 years after we moved to New Mexico I noticed that she couldn't remember where the dishes went. At the time I put it down to moving and living in our old house for more than 25 years. I however have noticed that over the last 3-4 years mom seems to be retreating into a hole. My mother who was never afraid of any thing will get afraid to be with large groups of people. However last March she was hospialized for being dehydrated and after that she seems to be having lots of problems. She will start cleaning her room then get mad at me because she thinks that I have come in the room and rearranged everything! Yesterday she accused me of that very thing. She got into such a state that she was crying. Also last Friday when we went to Walmart, she wanted to sit so I told her where she could sit and where she has sat in the past. Well as far as I know the seat was taken and then she spent the time wandering back and forth the front of Walmart looking for me. Then she decided that I had left her there and had me called over the intercom but I didn't hear the message. When I was finally was done she was so distraught that all I could do was tell her that I was sorry. She gets mad if I correct her but then she asks me what is wrong. We are going to have her tested for Dementia at the end of February and hopefully that will get me some help. She doesn't want to be put in a "prison" what she recalls the hospital. I guess what I am saying is that I want my mommy back. I don't know if this is a road that I can go down. I know that God would not give me this path if He didn't think I could handle it. However I wish I had that much confidence in myself.