Mother Earth
I have a tub that I keep in our Dining room that I use to put our clean glass recyclable. Here in New Mexico we can't put glass in our recycle can that they pick up once a week. We can recycle cardbard, newspapers, #2 plastic, tin, & aluminum cans. But since it all goes into one trash can they don't like us to put in glass! However at the Waste Management plant they have bins for recycling and there they take glass. So this last week my tub was full and off mom & I went. I guess that it is because we are always afraid when we break glass at home fearing that our doggie, Sadie, will step on the glass; it makes it more fun to toss the glass into the bin where it makes this loud breaking/tlinking sound! It was also fun to see what else we could break while in there! So don't forget to recycle it saves the earth!
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